Thursday, October 18, 2018

Celebrate the Awesome!

I attended and presented at the ACTEM18 state of Maine technology conference. Our Keynote for the second day inspired me to celebrate my teachers more. If you haven't heard of Joe Sanfelippo yet, you should check out his site or follow him on Twitter, @Joe_Sanfelippo. He is a superintendent that thinks outside the box and celebrates the work educators do.

So here is what I came up with so far to celebrate my teachers...

Good Morning Teachers,

I have a new addition to my Weekly Tech Tips. Each week I will celebrate something awesome I witness from a classroom teacher because you ALL are Awesome and doing great things in your classrooms. Let's celebrate YOU! This is my perspective and I don't catch every moment so please celebrate each other in your own way or feel free to share with me and I will announce the awesomeness on my slide deck.

Click the pic below to access this slide with links and all of my previous slides of tech tips. As always, shoot me an email if you want help with any of these ideas.

Nicole Gleason
Technology Coach SAD#6
George E Jack, Steep Falls, and Edna Libby

In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but
what you have taught them to do for themselves that
will make them successful human beings.
Ann Landers

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

STEM Challenge Videos

During the end of last school year and the beginning of this school year I have been creating a series of STEM Challenge videos to make STEM easier for the classroom teacher. I started with videos for Kindergarteners. Yesterday I created a video for Team Building through STEM for grades K-5. All videos are uploaded to YouTube and include an instruction, material list, and further exploration sheet linked in the description of the video.

All videos will be located in this playlist. Check back frequently as I plan to add a lot more this school year for grades K-5 and work on correlating them with the Next Generation Science Standards. Below are some of the ones that I have created so far.