Thursday, August 31, 2017

BE Engaged! 2017-2018 iOS Apps

MSAD 6 Tech Coaches created an iPad App guide for the 2017-2018 school year using Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. (View the guide at the end of this article.) These approved apps, along with a few other Apps, will be in the Self Service App for students to install on their individual iPads. The Self Service App icon is displayed to the right of this text. Please contact your tech coach to learn how these fabulous Apps can help increase engagement in the classroom.

Three Apps to make sure to use, since we paid for them, are:

Book Creator: (Book Creator now has a web version as well.) One of my favorite classroom tools. I will create a tutorial video for you in the future. UPDATE: Bubble Wand Experiment Using Book Creator, Video and Article.

DoInk Green Screen: Another awesome creation tool for students! (Articles 1link, 2link and 3link!

Explain Everything: