Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Synergy Resources

With an introduction of a new system to any institute there is always a huge learning curve. We, the tech team, have been working hard to make it as smooth of a transition as possible for our students, guardians, and staff. Here are some useful tutorial videos and resources to help us on our journey of working with Synergy.

For Guardians and Students:


For Staff:

Links to Synergy -
Login for Students and Guardians or for Staff
Information about Edupoint and Synergy

Thursday, August 31, 2017

BE Engaged! 2017-2018 iOS Apps

MSAD 6 Tech Coaches created an iPad App guide for the 2017-2018 school year using Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. (View the guide at the end of this article.) These approved apps, along with a few other Apps, will be in the Self Service App for students to install on their individual iPads. The Self Service App icon is displayed to the right of this text. Please contact your tech coach to learn how these fabulous Apps can help increase engagement in the classroom.

Three Apps to make sure to use, since we paid for them, are:

Book Creator: (Book Creator now has a web version as well.) One of my favorite classroom tools. I will create a tutorial video for you in the future. UPDATE: Bubble Wand Experiment Using Book Creator, Video and Article.

DoInk Green Screen: Another awesome creation tool for students! (Articles 1link, 2link and 3link!

Explain Everything:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Students Creating Digital Board Games Using Pic Collage

I can't take the credit for this idea... the credit goes to ERINtegration for coming up with the idea, and my coworker Laurie Delaney for making me aware of the idea. The purpose of this article is to share with you a video tutorial on how to create one yourself or with students. It would also be a fun rainy day project at home for parents and their children.

Video Tutorial

Beyond the normal board games that you may think of, students could take the project a step further to "show what they know" for any standard or create an interesting book report. Students examples below from Mrs. Lucy's 5th grade class and Mrs. Fries' 4th grade class.

Or Fun Basic Games...

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blip Your Badge

I visited Kelsey O'Neil's room (Grade 1) yesterday and I noticed an awesome flowchart for SeeSaw on her wall. We started talking about how we all have such wonderful tools in our classroom, but with such a large district it is hard to share. The tech coaches are hoping to make that easier for all of you. I recently emailed you all about a resource called Blip Your Badge that the tech coaches created, however links work just as well to access the resource boards. (Bookmark them.) Below you will find the links to several tech topics. Each topic is loaded with links to video tutorials for teachers and students, flowcharts, and printable instructions. Please make use of this valuable resource and if you have something in your classroom that other teachers could use, please email it to me. We will update this resource frequently.

Also Suzanna Stevens (Grade 2) is creating a resource for teachers as a project for her master program.

Nicole Gleason
Technology Coach SAD#6
BlogWebsite, and Wiki
George E Jack, Steep Falls, and Edna Libby

In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but
what you have taught them to do for themselves that 
will make them successful human beings. 
Ann Landers

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Breakout EDU in the Elementary Classroom

Have you heard of an Escape Room? If not, it is a room where you have to solve riddles, puzzles, and mysteries in order to "break" out of the room. Breakout EDU has brought a similar scenario to classrooms. The classroom teacher uses a kit with a variety of locks to create a similar situation for their students, except the students are trying to "break" into a box. The website has a bunch of team building mysteries or classroom teachers can create their own. The clues can be related to content that has been taught in class as well as the team building experience. Breakout EDU also has a digital version available.

Here is a video of some of my students "breaking out".