Monday, February 10, 2020

Valentine's Day STEAM Activities

Here are some ideas for integrating STEAM with Valentine's Day!

1. Valentine's Day Scrabble Activity - Check out this printable from AndNextComesL. This activity works best with Scrabble Tiles, but as an alternative you could project the tiles for students so that they know how much each letter is worth.

2. Build the Tallest Tower - This can be done with conversation hearts, toothpicks and heart marshmallows, or red blocks. Get creative, have students measure their tower, record their result on their iPads. (Take pictures!)

3. Create Valentine's Day Boxes - Students can get creative with storage for their cards that they will receive on Valentine's Day. Give the structure parameters or certain lengths for their materials to mix in some math. Maybe add some engineering too by stating that there has to be a door on their box/envelope.

4. Create a Green Screen Message for Parents - See video below.

5. Valentine's Day Cupcake Graphing - This is a cute idea created by Life over C's. It includes a printable dice and graphing sheet. You have to put in your email address to get the materials for free or you can easily adjust this activity for graphing something else that is Valentine's Day related.

6. Code Your Name - Use binary code to either code your name as a heart or a bracelet. Idea by Little Bins for Little Hands.

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